color, sound, 23 min

An intimate sensory experience that explores the rich and dynamic space of memory and repair in the afterlife of the Atlantic Slave Trade. Inspired by Gullah Geechee folklore surrounding the 

Legacy of Igbo Landing

this collection of works centers on Charleston, South Carolina, known as both the Holy City and Capital of Slavery in the United States.  

How do we continue to move, to feel, to love…to dream freedom when we are also holding what is heavy? How do we make meaning, make repairs and find resolution? 

The film illuminates tensions between "absence" and "presence" that we must navigate when inheriting ancestral freedom dreams, and those mysterious sensations associated with ancestral callings. Through a series of dialogues with Gullah Geechee elder and poet, Yvette Murray, and Charleston’s first poet laureate, Marcus Amaker, this project opens a portal into their processes of repair and the crafting of selves in the African diaspora. 

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